龍舟活動五載餘 龍為首鎮魑魅諸
安佑健兒體態姿 佛州冲電隊伍恃
龍舟運動世人知 賽龍奪錦典故事
懷王失措當其時 離騷楚辭屈子詩
為慶祝辛卯年五月初五 芒種端午節
( 即 06-06-11 )
Thought of Dragon boat from the begining thereafter
The activity of Dragon boat run over five years old.
The head of Dragon presides for the relief of evil to detain.
Pray the athletes, may their bodies in health and excellent shape.
Florida C.H.A.R.G.E. team relied on the spirit of racing anyway.
The activity of Dragon boat well known by the world.
A famous liternature and poetry written by Sir Wat 屈平,字原 AD 343
Description of the king Tso 楚懷王 had the doomsday.